Case Number: 2024-013736 (pending placement)

In Abuse/Neglect Cases - Children's Attorneys Project

A newborn infant baby girl, less than one month old, is in custody of Clark County Family Services (CCFS) due to allegations of negligent treatment, inadequate treatment, and physical risk perpetrated by the child’s mother. This child’s mother experiences severe mental health issues resulting in abnormal behaviors rendering her incapable of proper child-rearing. Additionally, the mother has been noncompliant with treatment prescribed for these mental health concerns and is currently under legal psychiatric hold at an emergency care facility. Before her admittance into this emergency care facility, the mother was unhoused, abusing illicit drugs, and lacked financial resources to care for her newborn child. At this time, this vulnerable infant is in need of legal representation and advocacy. The next hearing is on December 11th, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 7.

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