Case Number: 2022-013960 (Urgent)

In Abuse/Neglect Cases - Children's Attorneys Project

A 14-year old girl was removed from her home along with her four siblings, who have separate cases. The minor is now in the custody of DFS due to parental mental health issues. The mother experiences symptoms of mental health episodes which are inadequately treated and impair her ability to care for the minor. During one of the mother’s episodes, she indicated that she gave the minor a variety of medications. The minor could not be awakened, she was transported to the hospital and diagnosed with Accidental Drug Ingestion. At this time, this young girl is in need of an attorney to represent her wishes and legal rights as to permanency, placement, visitation, and to ensure appropriate services are in place. Next Hearing(s): TPR Trial on 7/18/2024 at 9:30 am; Permanency Planning Hearing on 8/20/2024 at 2:30 pm and Review Hearing on 2/18/2025 at 2:30 pm in Courtroom 10.

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