Case Number: 2023-009271

An inmate at Ely State Prison filed a civil rights complaint after he claims he assaulted by two prison officers while handcuffed and shackled in December 2020. He alleges he was choked, kicked, and repeatedly punched while they yelled racist insults at him. He suffered what he felt was a fractured cheek bone, loss of hearing, and an injury to his hand, although it took almost two years to get an x-ray done. He put in a request for medical attention after the incident but was not seen by the nurse practitioner until July 2021. The NP ordered x-rays and gave him 800 mg Ibuprofen for the pain. They did not get him in for x-rays until September 2022. After filing multiple medical kites and grievances, he filed this lawsuit. He claims deliberate indifference to serious medical need in violation of the 8th Amendment and equal protection in violation of the 14th amendment, as well as cruel and unusual punishment/excessive use of force in violation of the 8th Amendment and racial discrimination. He is seeking an attorney through the Federal Pro Bono Program. Next Deadline(s): Case Stayed until pro bono counsel is identified and formally appointed. 

Case Number: 2024-000439

This client alleges that corrections officers incited other inmates to harass and attack him. He sustained injuries from the attack and now suffers from nerve damage. Client also alleges that officers took his personal property away from him and destroyed it without the appeal process.

Case Number: 2024-000459

This client alleges that corrections officers attacked him while incarcerated. He is seeking legal representation for his use of excessive force claim against the officers.

Case Number: 2023-015198

This Nevada prisoner claims that his First Amendment, RLUIPA, and equal protection rights were infringed by policies and practices regarding the food served and the consumable items he wanted for group worship activities. He alleges that the correctional staff deliberately refused to provide him with an adequate kosher diet that conforms with his Jewish faith. 

Case Number: 2024-000994

This client alleges an Eight Amendment violation against corrections staff for deliberate indifference to his serious medical condition and failure to provide appropriate treatment. He further alleges he has suffered and will continue to suffer harm due to the defendant’s excessive delay in treatment. 

Case Number: 2024-001892

This client claims his constitutional rights were violated when jailers were indifferent to his serious medical needs while he was detained at Washoe County Detention Facility. He alleges that he was denied medical attention for a head injury, medications, and proper clothing and blankets for the winter.

Case Number: 2024-005303

This client is incarcerated and seeking assistance with his 1983 claim. He alleges that corrections staff violated his constitutional rights by deliberately failing to provide him with necessary medical treatment.

Case Number: 2024-005584

Plaintiff alleges that staff at High Desert State Prison, where he is currently incarcerated, violated his First Amendment rights by opening his civil legal mail outside of his presence.

Case Number: 2023-014277

Client seeks help with a breach of contract case following a car accident. The case is currently stayed. Plaintiff is a senior citizen. The client has two insurance policies a $500,000 accident policy which included underinsured motor vehicles and an additional umbrella policy. The client believes these policies covered her during the accident and sued in the 8th Judicial Court of Nevada. The defendants removed the case to federal court based on diversity jurisdiction. After the removal, clients attorney withdrew from the matter. Client has subsequently suffered from a second motor vehicle accident resulting in additional injuries, and may need to file a second complaint or amend her current complaint. The client needs representation in the breach of contract claim.